October 08


Welcome to the first of our monthly newsletters. It's great to be able to let our customers know what's new in the world of Stitchtastic, and share some of the tips and hints we've picked up to make your cross stitching a breeze!

In this issue, we'll look at finding a great place to stitch - whether your house is messy or pristine, it's easy to get organized with your stitching and ensure that everything is to hand when you need it. Certainly something I aspire to!
Goldfish Caricature 
A rather unusual Goldfish - one of our new PETZ designs.

Finding a great place to stitch

Finding a great place to stitch depends on many factors, the most important one must be how much time each day you can find to stitch. Then you need to think about whether you stitch sitting down or standing at a frame, are you a television addict glued to various soaps, stitching whilst you watch, do you enjoy a quiet atmosphere or are you a fan of background music whilst you sew? Are you an occasional stitcher or do you like to spend as much time as possible stealing time away from other things to cross stitch? The list is endless and obviously a personal choice.

Ideally, a dedicated sewing room would be superb. A place where your materials and threads as well as craft magazines can be stored or left out safely and whenever you have time to spare everything is ready and waiting for you. Not always possible, unfortunately! Click on the link below for some practical suggestions if a room of your own is out of the question - at least until you win the lottery!

Read the rest of the article here

Stitchtastic On Tour

Exhibition DatesWhy not come and see us at The Knitting and Stitching Show, Alexandra Palace from 9th to 12th October? Come and meet Sarah, our designer, who'll be stitching away!

We'll be at a number of stitching shows over the next 6 months, click here for more details.

Caricature Cross Stitch

Mini Caricature

Two of our caricature range, the union jack mini, available in 5 colours and the alsatian guard dog. He's only available in 1 colour!

Alsatian Caricature

A best seller - Delboy's Reliant Regal.

Did you know that it's not actually a Reliant Robin? It's a different model altogether.

Delboy Caricature

I don't know about you, but sometimes I love to stitch something a bit different. In fact, it's one of the reasons why we started Stitchtastic! Friends and family love to receive stitched gifts, but it's so tricky to find designs to suit everyone.

Our caricature range fills that need. From the stylized wheels of the mini car, to the crazy idea of a scuba diving goldfish, these designs appeal to all ages. All of our caricature designs are available as kits or charts. Whenever we appear at a stitching show, there's always a crowd around them. The range extends to around 100 caricatures now, so there's certainly something for everyone! For more brand new PETZ designs this autumn, follow this link:


Next Month

Red RoseIn our November issue, we'll take a closer look at our Nature range. We'll also weigh up the pros and cons of stitching on dark fabric, including some tips on how to get the best out of black aida.

Questions or comments? E-mail me at sarah@stitchtastic.com or call +44 (0) 114 3830333

Until next time

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