Cross Stitch and Needlework Blog

All the time we have been running this website, we have been collecting lots of useful info on cross stitching and needlework, so we have decided to put it all up here so everyone can benefit. You will find all sorts of things on here from conversion charts to tips for left handed stitchers!
How do you free up more time to stitch? The answer is organisation - organising your daily schedule as well as yourself and your stitching materials to achieve the maximum amount of free time to spend
Cross stitch pieces worked on black or very dark fabrics look absolutely stunning when they are completed as the colours, especially the paler ones, seem to really stand out against the dark
Finding a great place to stitch depends on many factors, the most important one must be how much time each day you can find to stitch. Then you need to think about whether you stitch sitting down or
Once you are "hooked" on cross stitching and have accomplished several beautiful pieces of work, occasionally, you tire of a project you are working on and just can't get motivated to finish it. Don't
Whether you are new to cross stitch or an avid stitcher, can you find the right coloured thread or floss quickly when you need it or are your sewing items rather mixed up? Do you hoard materials which